CBSE, New Delhi
Affiliation Number:
School Code:
Mandatory Disclossure

Principal’s Message

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Principal's Message

Dr. M Dinesh Babu (Principal)

 “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”   Benjamin Franklin.

We, at CSM Central School, Edassery , are committed to the holistic growth of the pupils entrusted to us. We aim at empowering our students to evolve as strong insightful minds with a global perspective. The custom-made and authentic academic programmes and learning activities help the students to learn through real  experiences and to acquire the 21 st century skills and competencies. It helps them to develop critical thinking, reasoning, exchanging ideas, leadership skills ,personal and social values, decision making ability ,goal setting and to realise their own true potential. We endeavour to provide an environment with discipline, freedom and responsibility where students  thrive and attain social , emotional and cognitive growth. We promise to provide opportunities to students to explore different materials and ways , igniting the spark of creativity and curiosity and thereby become a better version of themselves everyday.